A sweetly tart pick-me-up perfect for brunch, breakfast, or afternoon tea. These lemon muffins are moist and tender. We love that lemonade concentrate...
These delectable Cream Cheese Danish are made easy with ready made crescent roll dough, a five ingredient cream cheese filling, and a two minute glaze....
I love green chiles and this is one of the first recipes I have used to make the gravy for biscuits,eggs and hashbrowns. I also have posted additional...
Had some sour cream left over from my "Sour Cream Chocolate Banana Cake"--so made this for breakfast tomorow- that is if it makes it until then...it was...
I've been making this for more than 40 years, it's about the only recipe I use any more for a filling for breakfast crepes. It's the best custard base...
I am fortunate enough to not only live in the citrus belt of Florida, but to also live close to the strawberry fields of Plant City and the Florida Strawberry...
This is so easy to put together. Great for a Sunday morning family breakfast. But since we're empty-nesters, I bake it on Sunday and we eat it all week...
I made this recipe many years ago for a morning 65th wedding anniversary celebration. It is quick and easy, not to mention delicious. I serve this when...
This scrumptious-looking recipe comes from Pillsbury's new "Best Recipes Ever." Blue cheese is one of my favorites and it seems I never see many recipes...
This is an invention that turned out great. Can be made in a 9-inch square pan or make in a 12 cup muffin pan. These are so good for breakfast, with butter...
This recipe is tweaked from Jello Pudding recipes... If you like eggnog and pudding and rum you will love this recipe!It's delicious with a nice cup of...
Your home will smell of sweet and fresh bread while these are baking. As soon as you turn these onto the sheet pan, you will want to dig right into these...
This was breakfast this morning...a must try!!...your home will smell fantastic as this yummy dish is baking... This is a great breakfast to present to...
Mystery Solved; I had this question bought to my attention, I had also wondered my self. As I am sure many of you have also wondered. So I searched until...
If you have guests and don't want to spend a lot of fuss time in the kitchen, then I recommend that you save this recipe. You can make this the night before...
Attention dark chocolate lovers: These zucchini muffins are tailor-made for you! These are the perfect summertime treat when zucchini is plentiful. They're...
I love breads that are made without using yeast and I'm all over this recipe. I could have this with a little butter slathered on and a cup of coffee and...
You can make many sweet things with this yeast recipe. Here it is used to make this delicious lemon loaf- you can make it with cinnamon top or frosted...
I first tasted this wonderful sweet potato bread about 30 years ago, when a nice lady that worked with my husband gave us a loaf for Christmas. It was...
These wonderful fritters were shared with our friends in town, only after I had 2 for myself. They are perfect for breakfast with a cup of coffee. I think...
This recipe is from Woman's Day magazine dated 5/9/06, page 212. I've been wanting to try it but kept pushing it back but today I decided to finally make...
Just in time for Christmas! While spending most of last week and this week in bed nursing a cold, I have been reading through the stacks of old recipe's...
These are so easy to make, When you have those mashed potatoes left, or the baked potatoes you can easily make these little buggers. They are so good,...
I wasn't feeling up to par today and I wanted something soothing to eat so my husband made some Congee for me. It is the ultimate comfort food in China...
I've been making these Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut Drops and Pumpkin Doughnut Drops since my girls were little. Both of these doughnut were among some of...
This is a really simple and wonderful pastry. The cream cheese mixture isn't overly sweet and the blueberries are a perfect complement. The honey drizzle...
Unless you're serving a big crowd, there always seems to be leftover chili. This is a great recipe to use up the extras! This breakfast burrito is a savory...
This recipe is so easy and it tastes soooo amazing. This type of pastry is on the Danish breakfast table alongside the cinnamon rolls, but only on weekends......